Le congrès annuel de l’ISSTD (International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation) aura lieu à Chicago les 24-26 mars 2018. Le thème de cette année est : “Passerelles vers le futur”.

Les conférenciers invités sont Robert Neimeyer, Edward Tick et Donna Hicks. Le congrès inclut deux jours de conférences en pré-programme. Ce congrès sera l’occasion de découvrir  ou redécouvrir les points fondamentaux pour la compréhension et le traitement du trauma complexe et des troubles dissociatifs.

ISSTD is pleased to announce the next ISSTD annual conference, to be held in Chicago, on the 24-26 March, 2018. This is a great opportunity to advance your training in the Complex Trauma and Dissociation fields.

The 35th ISSTD Annual International Conference theme is: Bridges to the Future: The Impact of Trauma and Dissociation on Human Dignity: Local and Global Perspectives and we are most pleased to have Robert Neimeyer presenting on Saturday, March 24, Edward Tick
presenting on Sunday, March 25, and Donna Hicks presenting on Monday, March 26 as our expert Plenary speakers. There will also be interesting pre-conference workshops. The conference committee uses the Core Areas of Knowledge to identify classes and established faculty to present fundamental as well as advanced workshops on issues critical to understanding and treating complex trauma and dissociative disorders .

Cliquez ici pour accéder au site du Congrès
Click here to access the conference website