Roger Solomon
Dr. Roger Solomon is a psychologist specializing in the areas of trauma and grief. He has been Senior Faculty with the EMDR Institute since 1993 and teaches EMDR internationally.
He is a consultant with the US Senate, providing direct services (including EMDR) through the in-house Senate Employee Assistance Program. Dr. Solomon has provided consultation and direct services to law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Polizia di Stato in Italy, and has worked extensively with families of police officers killed in the line of duty.
Dr. Solomon has extensively collaborated with Onno van der Hart (Senior author of “The Haunted Self), and is part of an international team that has written articles on utilization of EMDR therapy with complex trauma. He is a visiting professor with Salesiana University in Rome, Italy and is a consultant with psychology programs for La Sapienza (University of Rome) in Rome.
He has authored or coauthored 45 articles and book chapters pertaining to EMDR therapy, grief, complex trauma, acute trauma and law enforcement stress.